Our group is working on searches for new physics using Higgs boson signatures,

with the aim to shed light on the big unsolved mysteries at the interface of particle physics and cosmology:

the generation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry and the dark sector.

The group is funded by the German Research Foundation.




HIPARCOS Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group

The Higgs boson as a bridge between Particle Physics and Cosmology

Dr Spyros Argyropoulos

Principal Investigator

Dr Tetiana Moskalets

Postdoctoral Researcher

Roman Küsters

Doctoral Researcher


For group members

Group meetings, useful links, etc

For prospective students

Bachelor/Master thesis offers & internships



Team & Collaborators

Training & Teaching resources

Important papers, scientific presentations, etc

Ilia Kalaitzidou

Doctoral Researcher

- 9/4/2024: New article with our collaborator Dr. Ulrich Haisch on novel collider signatures in the type-I 2HDM+a model [link]

- 22/3/2023: New article by Tetiana Moskalets and Rikkert Frederix on ttbb caclulations at NLO [link]

- 6/3/2023: Ilia Kalaitzidou presented at the DPG conference a new model for the study of Dark Matter at the LHC [link]

- 7/2/2023: Visit of our collaborator Dr. Rikkert Frederix to Freiburg. Dr. Frederix gave a talk at the GRK 2044 graduate school [link]

- 1/2/2024: Tetiana Moskalets has been appointed convener of the Dibosons, Multileptons and Extra dimensions subgroup

- 7/11/2023: The A->ZH paper has been released on arXiv [7]

- 5/10/2023: Spyros Argyropoulos was invited to present the review article [3] at a webinar organised by the Symmetry magazine [video]

- 29/8/2023: Spyros Argyropoulos has presented the results from the baryogenesis search at Corfu 2023 [link]

- 18/7/2023: An update of the Dark Matter summary plots was published for the 2023 summer conferences [link]

- 23/6/2023: Spyros Argyropoulos presented the article on novel Dark Energy signatures [5] at the Long Liver Particles workshop [link]

- 2/6/2023: New article on arXiv on the combination of searches for dark matter using the 2HDMa model [link]

- 30/5/2023: Spyros Argyropoulos presented on behalf of the LHC Dark Matter Working Group at the DM2023 conference [link]

- 22/5/2023: Preliminary results of the A->ZH search have been released and presented at the LHCP conference [link]

- 18/4/2023: New article on novel collider signatures of dark energy with our collaborators Clare Burrage and Christoph Englert [link]

- 1/4/2023: Tetiana Moskalets has been appointed convener of the Generator Infrastructure and Tools subgroup

- 1/10/2022: Spyros Argyropoulos has been appointed convener of the LHC DM WG

- 28-30/9/2022: Ilia Kalaitzidou and Roman Küsters presented results of their research at the GRK workshop

- 28/8/2022: Spyros Argyropoulos has presented at the Corfu 2022 workshop [talk - video]

- 1-5/8/2022: Sofia Papanastasiou has joined our group for a BOGY internship

- 25-29/7/2022: Visit of our collaborator Prof. Clare Burrage to Freiburg. Prof. Burrage gave a talk at the GRK 2044 graduate school [link]

- 20/7/2022: Preliminary results from the heavy-flavour reweighting studies published [link]

- 8/7/2022: Ilia Kalaitzidou has presented the heavy-flavour reweighting studies in the International Conference for High Energy Physics at Bologna [link]

- 15-16/6/2022: Spyros Argyropoulos and Ilia Kalaitzidou have presented results of the DM and baryogenesis searches in the HEP2022 workshop in Thessaloniki

- 30/5-3/6/2022: Visit of our collaborator Dr. Ulrich Haisch to Freiburg

- 23/3/2022: Roman Küsters and Ilia Kalaitzidou have presented the results of their analyses in the meeting of the German Physical Society

- 14/3/2022: Tetiana Moskalets has presented a talk on top quark properties at the Moriond conference [link]

- 28/2/2022: New article on the benchmarking of searches for light pseudoscalar mediators in collaboration with Dr. Ulrich Haisch [2202.12631]

- 22/2/2022: Tetiana Moskalets has been appointed analysis contact for the A→ZH search. Congratulations for this recognition!

- 18/2/2022: Spyros Argyropoulos has been appointed convener of the ATLAS Combined Dark Matter subgroup.

- 25/12/2021: Summary plots for the 2HDM+a model have been released for the 2022 LP conference

- 18/11/2021: Tetiana Moskalets has been appointed Physics Modelling Group contact of the Higgs & Diboson Searches group. Congratulations for this recognition!

- 29/9/2021: The review on "Collider Searches for Dark Matter through the Higgs lens" in collaboration with Dr. Oleg Brandt and Dr. Ulrich Haisch has been posted on arXiv [2109.13597]

- 28/9/2021: Roman Küsters presented a poster with preliminary results from the A→ZH→lltt search at the GRK workshop in Freiburg

- 31/8/2021: The preprint from the search for Dark Matter in association with a SM Higgs boson [2] has been posted on arXiv [2108.13391]

- 26/7/2021: Results from the combination of dark matter searches [C2] presented at the EPS conference [link]

- 25/3/2021: Results from our work on the search for Dark Matter in association with a SM Higgs boson [C1] have been released and presented at the Moriond conference [link]

- 15/3/2021: Both PhD positions have now been filled. We are happy to welcome Roman Küsters and Ilia Kalaitzidou to the group!